Check out my book The True Heart of Worship

True worship music is not worldly music. It is of a higher level and so different from worldly music, that if you ever attended a service where the Holy Spirit was in control of leading the worship, you would never want to do it by yourself again. It is as if you enter heavenly places and flow in the river of life, as if you are eating the bread of life and drinking His living water. You sing to Him, the Almighty God, and you recognize that your words are never enough. He flows through you. You are in Him, inseparable, forever in the presence of the LORD most high, King of kings of all eternity! That’s the place you want to be if you worship the Lord! This booklet provides practical advice on how to worship the Lord in a biblical way. It is explaining the different forms of worship with scriptural references. It covers the role of the worshiper, worship leader and pastor. An inspiring and thought provoking guide asserting the true heart of worship.

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